My first race

The Color Run

Like I stated before, this blog will be about my life. Right now and hopefully for a long time from now my life is about running. I absolutely love it. Well…we have a love/hate relationship, but I will explain later. So how does one fall in love with running? It all started with a friend. Best-friend. While I was sitting at work one day my bestie for like emails me..”Hey– there is this super fun 5K I want you to do with me”. Me- “Yeah right I do NOT run unless it is a sale or someone is after me”. That whole thing went on for a few more minutes until I googled The Color Run. Google it if you have not checked it out. OMG. Tons and tons of fun. So that is how I started. We both signed up (and a few others that I could talk into it). Started the couch to 5k training and BAM it hit me…why are we training it is JUST. THREE. MILES. After the maybe five times we met and “trained” the race day was finally here! I was super pumped. I thought I could take on the world. That is until I got .5 miles into the race (uphill I might add) and then my world came crashing down. What was wrong with me?? I can not run. I was out of breath before even getting to the first color. Fast forward to the end of the finish line. All my friends except my Mom left me. Vanished. They could run because they were in shape. After my Mom and I crossed the finish line I came to the realization that I was NOT in shape and could NOT run a 5K. That day changed my life, so to speak. I signed up for a Glow Run after that and did not finish (it poured down rain and that will be explained in another post). I like to say that is where my love of running came from. To start from basically rock bottom to now running my first OF MANY half marathons. There are days that I suck. Those days come and go and I get back on track. It only took one race to get me hooked. Want to join me on my next??


To find a Color Run near you go to their website! I promise it will be the best time of your life.



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